Sri Aurobindo Society


Sri Aurobindo Society seeks to bring a dynamic spirituality into material life and all its activities, so that the global problems can find a true solution, and the dreams of humanity, through the ages, can be realized.
The Society is a not-for-profit NGO, working throughout the world for individual perfection, social transformation, and human unity in diversity. It invites participation from all who want to work together for a better tomorrow, with no distinction of nationality, religion, caste or gender.
The Society was founded in 1960 by the Mother
“To make known to the members and people in general the aims and ideals of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, their system of Integral Yoga and to work for its fulfilment in all possible ways and for the attainment of a spiritualised society as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo.”


Sri Aurobindo Society is registered as a society at Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India, under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 (now West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961). The main administrative office of the Society is in Puducherry (formerly Pondicherry). The Society has been recognized by the Government of India as


Sri Aurobindo Society has several Branches and Affiliated Centres in India and abroad. In a message, the Mother explains the true significance of a 'Centre':
To open a centre is not sufficient in itself. It must be the pure hearth of a perfect sincerity in a total consecration to the Divine.
A Centre of Sri Aurobindo Society is therefore a meeting point of individual and collective sadhana, of dedication in service of the Divine. In order to start an Affiliated Centre, all that is required are twelve interested persons in an area. There is no fixed rigid programme laid out for Branches and Centres. They can develop and add new activities according to their inner needs.
The Branches and Affiliated Centres of the Society are engaged in a variety of activities, including regular meditations, talks, seminars and conferences; running of educational institutions; physical education and sports; dance, drama, and music classes; research programmes; teachers workshops and youth camps; health and medical care; handicrafts; publication of books in English and Indian languages; and more. What is important is not the activity by itself, but the spirit in which it is undertaken. All work, in this way, can be a means of self-development and an offering to the Divine.

An Affiliated Centre can be very simple and informal in its structure and working. As its activities expand and grow it can become a 'Branch' of the Society, which is legally, financially and administratively a part of the Society, fulfilling several statutory obligations.
SAS Global
The Society also has a few Centres outside India, which are registered under the laws of the country of their location.


The membership of the Society is open to everyone, everywhere who believes in and would like to work for the realization of the ideals of the Society. All the members receive the monthly All India Magazine published by the Society.
Joining the Society is only a first step towards participating in the change that is coming in the world. Members are encouraged to mould their life and work according to higher ideals. They can write to the Society’s head office at Puducherry for details of any project in which they would like to participate.


Sri Aurobindo Society was started by the Mother in 1960. She was not only the founder and the Executive President, she remains its guiding force. From a very small beginning, over the years, the Society has grown into an international organization working in diverse fields of life.
In 1972, the Centenary Year of Sri Aurobindo’s birth, the Mother said in a message:
“Sri Aurobindo belongs to the future; he is the messenger of the future. He still shows us the way to follow in order to hasten the realisation of a glorious future fashioned by the Divine will.
All these who want to collaborate for the progress of humanity and for India’s luminous destiny must unite in a clairvoyant aspiration and in an illumined work.”
This message beautifully describes in a nutshell, the purpose and work of the Society.
The Mother herself laid the foundation of the Society, a strong base on which it could grow and spread like a Banyan tree. The Constitution and Memorandum of Association, bears her signature as the President, dated 19 September 1960.
It was the Mother who named the organization Sri Aurobindo Society, after Sri Aurobindo. She created its symbol, taking the existing symbol of Sri Aurobindo and enclosing it in a diamond. She gave it the motto:
“To know is good, to live is better, to be, that is perfect”
To carry out her work, the Mother chose Navajata. His name appears in various documents both as Keshav Dev Poddar and Navajata (the name given to him by the Mother, meaning the 'New Born'). He was the Society’s first General Secretary and Treasurer. After the Mother left her body in 1973, he became its first Chairman.
Along with the Mother and Navajata, the third member of the first Executive Committee of the Society was Arunendranath Tagore of Kolkata, an advocate and notary public.
The work expanded and grew in many fields and directions, as a wide spectrum of life’s activities were included in the Mother’s agenda of social transformation. She emphasized that the sincerity, the inner attitude and the consciousness with which a work is done are of primary importance, the results and outer form of the activity are secondary and derive their value from the inner. This was a recurring theme in all her directions, which runs like a continuous thread through every action.

shri arvindo socitey ujjain EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

The apex decision-making body of the Society is its Executive Committee. At present it consists of the following members:
Member Executive—Admn. & Finance
Member Secretary
Joint Secretary & International Secretary

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